"It was my great good fortune to meet Elizabeth Dane eighteen years ago. I am quite sure she helped me survive perilous passages in my life. Her positive, curious and intuitive approach to human health and well-being has kept me coming back. This rare book is the work of a true healer"
James Taylor
Singer and Composer
Discover how your body functions best physically, emotionally, mentally and even spiritually by completing this fun questionnaire.
Meta-type is a concept created by Dr. Elizabeth Dane. In over 41 years of clinical practice in complementary medicine, Dr. Dane has discovered the six basic metabolic energy patterns of people. We all fall into one of these energy patterns, which are based on the two main energies that flow throughout the universe. These are known as positive-negative, male-female, light-dark, fast-slow, intellect-emotion, and in Eastern terms, yin-yang.
Of these two energies, in each person one type will be more dominant. The varying degrees to which they are combined defines WHO you are emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. They influence every aspect of your life – right down to what your body truly needs in terms of diet, exercise, and lifestyle.
Learn to Celebrate Yourself! Take the free, easy-to-use questionnaire and find out who you really are! CLICK HERE NOW to discover the secrets of your Meta-type!
Elizabeth Grace Dane, LLC
1322 N Main St
Villa 4538-1
North Port, FL 34286