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Do you Really Want to Thrive?

Dr. Dane genuinely wants you to thrive! She not only wants you to thrive, but also discover
WHO you really ARE enabling you to reach your full human potential and have the healthy,
happy and prosperous life you were meant to have!
That’s why Dr. Dane spent many years developing her Meta-Type and Metabolic Balance
Programs which makes it so easy for you to transform yourself into who you really are!
In the Meta-Type and Metabolic Balance Program, Dr. Dane explains what a Meta-Type is and
has constructed a very simple test that determines your Meta-Type. To further your
understanding of your Meta-Type, Dr. Dane has very carefully and precisely written six E-Books
for each Meta-Type which gives you complete insight and knowledge of yourself and how to
integrate the Metabolic Balance Program into your life. You don’t have to go running here or
there to find out all this information. It’s all right here for you. These six Meta-Type E-Books