The Stress Response and Metabolic Breakdown:

How “The Stress Response” Works and Causes Metabolic Collapse

Stress is a killer!  I can’t emphasize enough the importance of stress management in your attempt to re-gain your health! Stress is the critical factor that causes people to “flip” out of their Meta-Type and sets into motion food cravings, fatigue, lethargy and susceptibility to bad health and illness, in other words, Metabolic Breakdown!

The stress response is governed by some of your most powerful endocrine glands, the pituitary, hypothalamus, and adrenal glands. Hormones secreted from these glands shut down your more regenerative parasympathetic nervous system (which governs Synthesizer Meta-Types) and speeds up the action-oriented sympathetic nervous system (that controls Accelerator Meta-Types) accelerating your body’s metabolic rate by dumping huge amounts of blood sugar into your bloodstream.

Your body’s response to this prolonged stress, weakens your ability to digest, break down and utilize nutrients or energy from foods. The energy that’s used in the stress response comes directly from your body’s reserves, stored in your muscles, rather than coming from food. This is known as the “fight or flight” response and it’s needed when overcoming  difficult or dangerous situations.

Metabolic Breakdown

There’s a flip side to this coin, however. Your body must “pay its dues” for getting such quick energetic results. Depending upon the amount of stress and its length of time and when the stress response ends, you’ll find that your body has been significantly changed:

  • Your whole digestive system has partly or almost completely shut down as your parasympathetic nervous system slows to a halt.
  • The nutritional actions (breaking down and assimilating foods) of your thyroid and liver are suppressed now being focused on energy production. The liver’s glucose metabolism speeds up, its nutritional actions shut down causing you to have a toxic body and very low thyroid production. You’ll keep gaining weight or you won’t be able lose an ounce, no matter what you do or do not eat. You “bottom out” having no energy and illness is lurking just around the corner.
  • Your heart’s action and breathing speeds up.
  • Your liver is immediately accelerated to quickly transform glycogen, stored in your muscles, to usable glucose (blood sugar) releasing it quickly into your bloodstream for the needed action.
  • Your pancreas’ enzymatic production shuts down stopping protein and carbohydrate digestion.
  • Your pancreas’ insulin production goes “sky-high” trying to stabilize newly released waves of glucose flooding the bloodstream.
  • Your immune function becomes suppressed as well as your regenerative growth hormones and AGING is the natural by-product.

This stress response and its stages are supposed to last for only a short while, no more than the brief duration of the stressful situation. Prolonged stress, however, can be disastrous.

“Stress Response” Damage

The Stress Response has 3 main stages during which minerals that excite the body are retained and minerals that calm the body are repressed.

  1. The Alarm Stage – your body is mobilized into intense action. The sympathetic nervous system is intensified to run at high-gear and begins to shut down the parasympathetic nervous system.

    • Vitamins C, D, E, B1, B6, B12 and the minerals calcium, cobalt, copper and selenium are quickly “gobbled up” by your body.
    • Your heart rate speeds up, your breathing races; your parasympathetic nervous system shuts down, which includes your digestion, liver, gall bladder and colon functions. Your insulin levels skyrocket upwards as “stored sugar” is released from your muscles to meet the attack.
    • All your energy is focused to meet that stress attack head on!
    • If you are caught in the stage one-alarm mode, chronic inflammation can easily set in.
  1. The Resistance Stage – you try to cope with the stress, come to terms with the results, accept or finalize the problem and let it go. The sympathetic nervous system peaks even higher, almost completely shutting down the parasympathetic system.

    • Vitamins A, B2, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid) and the minerals potassium, zinc, manganese, iron and important magnesium are further “devoured” by your body.
    • Your digestion along with your other body’s regenerative processes are further shut down while you continue to race and your anxiety levels sharply rise.
    • You try to “cope” with the situation and “deal with” your emotions, attempting to transform them from a negative to positive viewpoint and accept the situation, while “letting it go”!
    • But you’re caught in the stage two-resistance level and can’t proceed to the recovery stage, chronic degenerative diseases can develop.
    • A “stage of exhaustion” can occur if there are severe      metabolic imbalances that impede your entrance into the recovery stage. When your stimulating or “energy producing” glands become exhausted to the point where your sedative glands become dominant and an Accelerator Meta-Type” could easily flip down into the “Synthesizer” metabolic energy.
  2. The Recovery Stageyour body rests and repairs itself. The sympathetic nervous system returns to normal and the parasympathetic nervous system goes back into action. 

    • Folic acid and ALL nutrients are now needed for your body’s repair. 

    • Your body finally goes back to normal. 

IF you easily go from stage one to stage three, the stress reaction normalizes, you easily recover and settle back into your own metabolic Meta-Type. But if either stage one or two is prolonged or you’ve become trapped in either stage, because the stress can’t be resolved and you’re not able to progress to stage three, then that stage becomes “fixed,” causing a metabolic dysfunction. Automatically, you’ll “flip” out of your natural metabolic type into another one, either “hype” or “hypo’” and then you’ll start functioning as if you were a different Meta-type which can result in illness or disease.

Most people get stuck in the 2nd stage, the Resistance Stage and never make it into the regenerative 3rd Stage. They are usually unable to cope with the situation. They can’t let go of their emotions, their resentments or their pain. Their anger builds and they simply can’t accept the situation. Their sympathetic nervous system continues to run at “breakneck speeds” and the parasympathetic nervous system completely shuts down causing:

  • Fatigue and exhaustion set in your body.
  • Food and sugar cravings run wild!
  • Your immune system shuts down and your body cannot defend itself!
  • If you’re caught in stage one or two of the Stress Response, your endocrine glands can be stopped in a “time-warp.” Weakened by the stress, these glands won’t be able to return to their normal functioning, eventually “burning-out.” 
  • Illness and early aging begin.

You understand now why it’s so essential to keep your response to stress to a minimum!  Stress can be an EVERYDAY experience;  you can’t avoid it and you must learn how to cope with it!

How the Six Meta-Types React to the “Stress Response” and Metabolic Imbalance

The ACCELERATOR Categories

    Mixed Accelerator   Balanced Accelerator       Accelerator

In the Accelerator Meta-Types, stress causes their insulin levels to skyrocket and their anxiety levels escalate. They can gain or lose weight, become hyperactive, can’t calm down and their immune system begins to shut down making them vulnerable to illness or disease! Their already hyperactive sympathetic nervous system has gone into hyper-drive!

Accelerators are ruled by their intellect and seldom feel or release their emotions. They easily go into denial with their high anxiety levels and usually remain stuck in the 2nd Stage of Resistance in the Stress Response that leads to ill health. They must delve into their emotions, release their angers and resentments in a positive way, accept the situation and “let it go”. They must also stay on their Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan and take their supplements. Otherwise, they can be certain that illness isn’t far behind.

“Pure” Accelerators

In the Accelerator category, you as the “Pure” Accelerators, exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of Antiquity. As the male, you demonstrate the energies of God Zeus and you as the female represent the energies of the great Goddess Athena. You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In-depth Report. (Link)

You are the most yang and “action oriented” of the Meta-Types. You are controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and the adrenal glands are your dominant endocrine glands. You are better known as the “Speed Kids”, which DO NOT need extra “outside” stimulation! You get plenty of energetic nerve stimulation from your own thoughts, self-induced stresses and stifled emotional reactions along with the stresses in your daily life.

If out of balance or overburdened with stress, we can visualize you as a comet we let loose into the Universe that’s not equipped with gravity so to pull itself back into a uniform rotation or state of equilibrium. Eventually that comet burns itself up! So, you must eliminate those things that keep your soaring adrenals charged up! They need a chance to rest and repair themselves.

The Accelerator’s “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

Hyperactivity is the first sign the Accelerator Meta-Type is becoming imbalanced due to stress which causes their “power-glands”, the adrenals, to overproduce its hormones: dopamine, ephinephrine, nor-ephinephrine, cortisol, androgens and aldosterone.

That “adrenal high” causes the Accelerators to crave meat, salt, caffeine, sugar and alcohol to keep that “energy high” going. You’ll gain or lose weight; your anxiety levels explode and you can become a competitive workaholic.

Accelerators will have sleep problems, even insomnia along with water retention and a lowered sex drive. Your less effective pituitary gland’s functions slow down, causing your endurance to disappear, your clarity and thinking dulls, your energies fluctuate, weight increases and your sex hormones diminish.

If your response to stress intensifies, you the Accelerator can become horrifically hyper-active, extremely aggressive, over-assertive and a compulsive workaholic. You can go from being healthily competitive to being mean, rigid, power-hungry, and even cut-throat.

In this hyperactive state, your adrenals become unstable and may “burn-out” causing allergies, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation and arthritis. You’ll suddenly turn “hypo-active” and “flip” into the unbalanced Synthesizer Meta-Type, craving sexual activity as a substitute for dealing with your feelings.

In this hypo-active state, you can sink into the Synthesizer’s severe depressions and paralyzing stagnancy as your cravings increase for meat, salt, chocolate and sugary foods spiking your insulin levels to rise and the pound’s pile on!

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a “Pure” Accelerator must be feeling terrible, stuck in this morbid state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan available to you in our store. At the same time, click on the link To Restore Balance”and find your Meta-Type section which will list the steps you need to take to bringyou back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

Balanced Accelerator

As Balanced Accelerators, you exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of Antiquity. As the male, you demonstrate the energies of Hermes, the Messenger and you as the female represent the energies of the great Goddess Hestia or Vesta, the Keeper of the Flame! You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In-depth Report. (Link)

You are the most balanced of all the Accelerator Meta-Types and are predominately governed by the sympathetic nervous system. You are more acidic than alkaline and fall in the middle of the Accelerator category, between the very acidic Accelerators on one side and the semi-acidic, semi-alkaline Mixed Accelerator on the other. You must learn to maintain your own body’s equilibrium.

Balance is your key word! If out of balance, you easily jump into the adrenal dominated Accelerator Meta-Type where you access extra adrenaline whenever you desire. Balanced Accelerators have a strong creative intellect and intuition and can trigger instantaneous adrenal energy which makes you susceptible to living in an on-going stress response and subsequent adrenal burn-out.

The Balanced Accelerators “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

The Balanced Accelerator’s hyperactivity as a response to stress shows the beginning of metabolic imbalance.

This continued hyperactivity stimulates your “power-gland”, the thymus which then begins overproducing it’s hormones causing a hyperactive immune response.

You’ll begin craving sugar, sometimes meat. Your weight increases, your anxiety levels skyrocket and auto-immune problems could surface such as, arthritis and allergies. Your less effective pancreas gland slows down considerably causing the shutdown of your digestion. Your blood sugar levels wildly fluctuate causing more weight gain, increased sugar cravings and a tendency towards hypoglycemia.

With continued stress, your great anxiety will cause you to become “hyper-active” and you can easily become a carbon copy of the Accelerator. You’ll flip up into a highly workaholic mode, losing your “balanced state”, focusing totally in your mind or on material or monetary gains and ignoring your great intuitive powers. You may even end up isolating yourself while compulsively focusing on power and acquisition.

In this hyperactive state, you unbalance and exhaust your adrenals resulting in an imbalance of your sex hormones, water retention, chronic inflammation and allergies.

With your weakened adrenals, you easily become “hypo-active” flipping into the energies of the Mixed Accelerator Meta-Type.

There you can become very emotional and may have difficulty releasing these same emotions. In this hypo-active state, you’ll soon weaken your thyroid gland causing your metabolism to plummet resulting in weight gain, cold hands and feet and bad circulation may result. You’ll start craving meat, salt, fats and starches along with your sugar cravings becoming intensified.

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a Balanced Accelerator must be feeling terrible, stuck in this miserable state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan available to you in our store (link). At the same time, click on the link “To Restore Balance” and find your own unique Meta-Type section which will list thesteps you need to take to bring you back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

Mixed Accelerators

As Mixed-Accelerator Meta-Types, you exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of antiquity. As the male, you demonstrate the energies of Apollo, God of the Sun and Music and you, as the female, represent the energies of the great Goddess Artemis or Diana, Huntress of the Forests, Lover of Animals and the Moon! You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In-depth Report. (Link)

You’re the only Meta-Type in the Accelerator categories that receives almost equally strong impulses from both the yin parasympathetic and yang sympathetic nervous systems. You are the “Accelerator Bridge” that integrates both nervous systems as well as their aspects. You feel deeply but tend towards the intellectual Accelerator side of the metabolic spectrum and may even rationalize your emotions, “stuffing them down” and not expressing them freely.

Your dominant thyroid gland acts as the “bridge” between your two major nervous systems but you can easily get pulled out of your metabolic profile from one side to the other if the thyroid gland has become imbalanced from overwork.

Your primary nervous system domination is governed by the yang sympathetic system causing any imbalance due to stress to pull you into the faster energy producing Accelerator categories.

However, deeply buried emotions, needing to suddenly erupt, can just as easily pull you into your complementary yin parasympathetic system and out of your own Meta-Type.

Unlike your two Meta-type partners, who easily intellectualize and bury their feelings, you have deep feelings that lie very near to the surface. These emotions can easily overpower your rationalization if held in check for any length of time and will ultimately erupt. That triggers an emotional stress response stimulating both your adrenals and thymus into hyper-action and your thyroid into overdrive. A continued emotional response will eventually cause your now hyperactive thyroid to crash leaving you with only marginal energy.

The Mixed Accelerators “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

The Mixed Accelerator’s hyperactivity begins when you’re hit by a stressful situation and your “power-gland”, the thyroid gland, begins overproducing its hormones signaled by your adrenals which have activated your body’s stress response. This action can first cause weight loss, insomnia and food cravings. But weight gain is inevitable as the constant pressure ultimately lowers, then weakens and almost shuts down your thyroid’s function. If your less effective pituitary gland weakens and goes out of balance, weight gain becomes the problem.

The pituitary constantly stimulates the thyroid glands thyroxine production. That stimulation will cease as the pituitary function weakens. Without normal amounts of thyroxine in the body, you’ll start craving breads, pastas and starches. Both conditions, weight loss due to thyroid hyperactivity or weight gain due to thyroid hypo activity can cause fatigue, hair loss, irregular periods, imbalanced sex drive and menstrual cycles.

When under extended stress, the Mixed Accelerators can become “hyper-active” and easily “flip” up into the more negative aspects of the Balanced Accelerator Meta-Type. When out of balance this way, you might focus only on the immediate goals ahead, usually to do with a monetary situation.

You start living totally in your head and may become power-oriented, insensitive to the needs of others and an isolationist. You also may lose interest in your sensuality and sexuality. This hyperactive state can soon repress your thymus gland’s energy and you’ll be vulnerable to immune problems such as colds, flues and chronic immune problems.

The Mixed Accelerators can easily “flip” down into the Mixed Synthesizer Meta-Type as they become “hypo-active”. You may become extremely emotional. Your feelings may build to a “fever-pitch” and then suddenly blow open and explode in torrents of rage and anger which can seem to “come out of ‘nowhere”! Your libido may be  heightened, then suddenly fall and you may end up with sex gland and menstrual complications.  Along with your starch cravings, you’ll begin craving sugar, spicy foods, fats and creamy foods.

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a Mixed Accelerator must be feeling terrible, stuck in this “down in the dumps” state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan available to you in our store (link). At the same time, click on the link “To Restore Balance” and find your own unique Meta-Type section  which will list the steps you need to take to bring you back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

The SYNTHESIZER Categories

                                  Synthesizer           Mixed Synthesizer       Balanced Synthesizer    

STRESS slows the Synthesizer Meta-Type’s metabolism way down to a “snail’s pace”. They begin to gain weight, their depressions set in and they end up with fatigue and lethargy. Their already slow immune system almost crashes and they become the “veritable couch potatoes” and rundown.

Synthesizers are ruled by their emotions and can easily lose sight of reality and logic. They can become “emotionally overwhelmed” plunging them into emotional denial and triggering depressions. This state keeps them in the Stress Response’s 2nd Stage of Resistance which ultimately leads to illness!

The Synthesizers must also learn to let their emotions flow into their rational thinking processes  which will help them release their emotions and end the Stress Response. They must accept the  situation and “let it go”! The Synthesizers are much MORE vulnerable to the Stress Response  than any of the other Meta-Types, so it’s much easier for them to be prone to sickness!

They must also stay on their Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan and take their supplements.  Otherwise, they can be certain that illness is not far behind!

“Pure” Synthesizer

As the “Pure” Synthesizer Meta-Type, you exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of antiquity. As the male Synthesizer, you demonstrate the energies of Poseidon, the Great God of the Ocean Depths symbolizing your ability to feel the passions and deepest of all feelings and compassion to the depths of your soul and of others. You manifest the complete power of emotions and feelings.

As the female Synthesizer, you represent the energies of the great Goddess Demeter or Ceres, The Great Mother, Goddess of Fertility, Grain and Birth symbolizing your ability to nurture, care for and feed those around you providing them with the abundance of earth’s treasures with love and compassion.  You feel the deepest of all feelings to the depths of your soul. Your gift to the world is Unconditional Love. You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In-depth Report. (Link)

In the Synthesizer category, you’re the most receptive of all the Synthesizer Meta-Types  and are known as a “pure” Synthesizer because you’re mainly under the total influence of the yin parasympathetic nervous system. You’re affected slightly by the energetic yang sympathetic  nervous system and are a reverse mirror image of the Yang Accelerators. The pituitary gland is your dominant endocrine gland, the “Master Gland of the Body” and it DOES NOT need any “outside” stimulation! It gets plenty of its own natural stimulation produced by your  own thought processes, your self-induced stress and your emotional reactions.

If your pituitary gland becomes highly over-active, you’ll be in a  state that triggers your need to have overabundance in  everything! During your pituitary glands most active energetic nighttime hours, it produces certain essential hormones for the  regeneration or growth of your body. If it becomes over-stimulated, an overabundance of the hormones will be produced causing you to have an overabundance of growth or weight gain in your body.

The “Pure” Synthesizer “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

The “Pure” Synthesizers hyperactivity begins when your “power-gland”, your pituitary is over-stimulated by stress and in turn over produces its hormones including growth, sex and adrenal hormones. You’ll begin craving chocolate, milk, creamy foods as the pound’s pile on all over your body. You may even have unbalanced libido, erratic moods and energy swings. As your less effective thyroid glands slow way down, your already slow metabolism will grind to a halt and you’ll not be able to lose an ounce of your excess weight.

When you, as the Pure Synthesizer, become  “hyper-active” you’ll sky-rocket directly into your mirrored opposite, the Accelerator Meta-Type. You’ll  become extremely compulsive about work, especially creative work and you’ll be highly anxious and irritable.  You may even experience insomnia. Hormone problems may surface, especially with the over-production of your “sex” hormones.

Not being able to sustain that energetic high, your body will start to plummet sinking you into abject depressions and you’ll become paralyzed. Because of this hyperactive state, your pituitary over-produces your growth hormones and the pound’s pile on. You’re now further exhausting your energy producing adrenal glands and you’ll plunge into a hypo- active energetic state. In this “hypo-active” energetic state, you’ll sink into the Balanced Synthesizer Meta-Type energetic patterns.

Your sugar cravings will explode instigating your blood sugar levels to ping-pong from spiking very high, then crashing down into the depths.

Your sugar cravings will explode instigating your blood sugar levels to ping-pong from spiking very high, then crashing down into the depths. You’ve now become compulsive about sugar and your moods fluctuate drastically seemingly without cause. You’re experiencing severe fatigue and lethargy as your weight increases as your insulin levels spike, then crash plunging you into deep depressions. In this hypo-active state, your pancreas’ insulin production overworks and severe blood sugar problems develop.You tend to eat and eat and eat – it can be difficult to pull to you out of this depressed funk. You may even begin to crave meat and salt as well as your beloved ice cream and chocolate.

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a Pure Synthesizer, must be feeling terrible, stuck in this woeful state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan available to you in our store (link). At the same time, click on the link “To Restore Balance” and find your own unique Meta-Type section which will list the steps you need to take to bring you back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

Balanced Synthesizer

As the Balanced Synthesizer Meta-Type, you exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of antiquity. As the male Balanced Synthesizer, you demonstrate the energies of Hephaestus, the Great God of Fire and the Forge patron to artists, sculptures, craftsman of metal and blacksmiths. His energies symbolize your ability to work hard, create beautiful works of art and overcome obstacles.

As the female Balanced  Synthesizer, you represent the energies of the great Goddess Hera or Juno, The Great Queen, Goddess of Marriage and Fidelity symbolizing your ability to be the almost perfect partner in the role of wife and ruler of your kingdom. You provide the backbone your mate needs to reach his desired success in life. Your gift to the world is Unconditional Loyalty. You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In depth Report. (Link)

You’re the most balanced of all the Synthesizers Meta-Types and are predominately governed by the yin parasympathetic nervous system. You’ll naturally receive a greater percentage of nerve stimulation to those endocrine glands and organs responsible for the growth, repair and regeneration of your body – primarily your pancreas gland.

As your governing and strongest endocrine gland, your pancreas gland, known in Chinese Medicine as the seat of your “Emotional Brain,” DOES NOT need “outside” stimulation! It gets plenty of stimulation on its own and from its neighboring Meta-Types glands, your pituitary (Synthesizer) and your sex glands (Mixed Synthesizer) which are in turn motivated by your own thought processes, your self-induced stress and emotional reactions.

The Balanced Synthesizer “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

The Balanced Synthesizer’s hyperactivity begins as your “power-gland”, your pancreas starts over-producing its hormones due to your body’s reaction to stress. These hormones include glucagon, pancreatic enzymes and insulin. You’ll know when you’re out of balance when you begin craving starches and refined carbohydrates. Your blood sugars may go sky high, your insulin levels erupt and your weight increases as your energy plummets.

You are now heading for hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). You may even have a problem with loose bowels and the non absorption of your food. Your less effective thymus gland’s energy diminishes causing a lowered immune response making you vulnerable to colds, flues and illness.

You can easily become “hyper-active” whenever you experience anxiety, then your emotions become highly stimulated. You can easily “flip” up into the Mixed Synthesizer Meta-Type energies where you may very often play out this emotionality through sex and sensuality, often in a compulsive manner.

In this hyper-active state, you can soon exhaust your sex gland’s energies causing a severe decline in your libido. Sex gland complications (irregular menstrual cycles for women and low testosterone levels for men) and severe fatigue can occur.

If you become “hypo-active”, you can just as easily slip down into the pure Synthesizer Meta-Type’s energies feeling and feeling to the point of becoming paralyzed and ultimately falling into a stagnant depression. In this  hypoactive state, your pituitary function can easily be overworked, then weakened causing your complete system to go out of balance.

You’ll begin craving sugar, alcohol, chocolate, spicy and creamy foods and often you may act in a very hidden, depressive and irrational way.

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a Balanced Synthesizer, must be feeling terrible, stuck in this maleficent state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Food Plan available to you in our store. At the same time, click on the link “To Restore Balance” and find your own unique Meta-Type section which will list the steps you need to take to bring you back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

Mixed Synthesizer

As the Mixed Synthesizer Meta-Type, you exemplify the energetic personalities of the Gods and Goddess of antiquity. As the male Mixed Synthesizer, you demonstrate the energies of Ares, the Great God of War, Protection and Peace. His energies symbolize your ability to defend your beliefs, your values and country confronting obstacles and challenges creating the beautiful ideal of your homeland.

As the female Mixed Synthesizer, you represent the energies of the great Goddess Aphrodite or Venus, Goddess of Love and Beauty symbolizing your ability to bring Love which equals Beauty into the world and to those around you. Your gift to the world is To See Love and Beauty in Everyone and Everything. You can read about yourselves in your own Meta-Type Psychological In-depth Report. (Link)

As a Mixed Synthesizer, you are under the specific domination of the yin parasympathetic nervous system and your meta-type is the only one that receives almost equally strong impulses from your complementary yang sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, your Meta-Type acts as the “bridge” integrating both nervous systems, as well as their aspects but is governed by your dominant parasympathetic system.

You predominately feel with a powerful emotional nature but have a strong pull towards the intellectual Accelerator side which gives you potent intellectual powers such as clear thinking, along with rational and linear perceptions.

Consequently, your Sex Glands, the dominant endocrine glands for your Meta-Type DO NOT need “outside” stimulation! They get plenty of stimulation from your own “power glands”, the Sex Glands as well as your Synthesizer Meta-mates, the pituitary (Synthesizer) and pancreas glands
(Balanced Synthesizer) which are governed by your own thought processes and emotional reactions.

The Mixed Synthesizer “Flipped Out-of-type” Behavior:

As a Mixed Synthesizer, your hyperactivity begins when your “power-glands”, the sex-glands (ovaries and testes) begin to over-produce sex hormones due to the Stress Reaction in your body. These hormones are mainly estrogen and testosterone and when your body is flooded with them, you can begin craving spicy and creamy foods as well as fat. You’ll start gaining weight and you could easily become obsessed with sex, sexuality, and sensuality. Your heightened sexual response could imbalance your cycles (men have cycles too) continuing to cause an over-production of estrogen and testosterone. As your slow and less effective adrenals slow even further, your energy could momentarily spike, then suddenly crash. You are quite vulnerable and fragile to stress.

If your sex glands continue to be “hyper-active”, you can ultimately flip up into energies of the Mixed Accelerator Meta-Type where you can easily rationalize your actions but will have great battles between your heart and head.

In this hyperactive state, you may have trouble sleeping and will soon exhaust your thyroid gland’s energy (Mixed Accelerator power gland). Your metabolism comes to a screeching halt and you start piling on the pounds.

Not able to sustain the Mixed Accelerator’s energetic levels, you’ll plummet into “hypo-activity” and flip down into the Balanced Synthesizer’s Meta-Type energies. Your creativity and sensuality slip down into forms of depressive emotionality, melancholia or moroseness. You may also demonstrate a tendency toward obsessive-compulsive behavior, to deflect attention away from your demanding instinctual drives. In this hypo-active state, your pancreas weakens, your blood sugar levels become unstable, your insulin levels rise again, then drastically fall and you can soon develop hypoglycemia.

You’ll start craving hot spicy foods, sugar, chocolate and starches sinking you deeper into depressions and stagnancy.

How Do I Recover from This State?

You, as a Mixed Synthesizer, must be feeling terrible, stuck in this macabre state, but don’t despair, help is on the way! The first thing you should do is start your own unique Meta-Type Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan available to you in our store. At the same time, click on the link “To Restore Balance” and find your own unique Meta-Type section which will list the steps you need to take to bring you back to vibrant health! GOOD LUCK!

If You’ve Flipped Out of Type, There Is No Need to Stay
Out of Balance.

When you’ve flipped out of type due to the reaction of the Stress Response, there’s no need to stay out of balance. That’s because Dr. Dane’s Metabolic Balance Program for each of the six Meta-Types includes certain clearly defined steps that are guaranteed to restore your balance by helping you get back into your natural meta-type and be your normal, happy, healthy self. Too help restore your balance, take the Meta-Type test to find out which Meta-Type you are, then go to the link on this page, “Restoring Balance” and you’ll be on your way to health.

When you’ve answered the questions in the Meta-Type Test and have found that you are almost evenly divided into two types – you are in the ‘Pendulum Effect”. You have been exhibiting habits of either the hyper or hypo profile as well as your own. Use the profile with the highest number of answers – even if it is only by 1 point. Then, use the programs (Cuisine and Lifestyle Plan, Supplement Report and Exercise Report) for that Meta-Type. In 3 to 6 months, TAKE THE TEST again. You’ll find your answers will be different, and you’ll be closer to your own natural meta-type.

The information in the following links: “Restoring Balance”, “Relief from Pain and Illness” and “The Pendulum Effect” will be useful for those of you who are in or have been in “The Stress Response and The Pendulum Effect” and will help you to recognize your hyper or hypo active state as well as your own natural meta-type.


Take Your Free Meta-Type Test Click Here

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