The Pendulum Effect Therapy:

When A Meta-type “Flips” Out Of Type

You may have had a less than easy time determining your Meta-type. The common reason people may find it difficult is that they’re usually under so much stress, their metabolism has become either hyper or hypo-active causing them to “flip” or catapult out of their “normal” type and become a different Meta-type altogether.

How the Stress Response Works and Why It Flips Us Out of Type

The stress response is governed by the pituitary, hypothalamus, and adrenal endocrine glands.

Hormones secreted from these glands shut down the more regenerative parasympathetic nervous system and speed up the action-oriented sympathetic nervous system and the metabolic rate of the body by liberating great amounts of blood sugar into the bloodstream. During this state, the body simply can’t break down and utilize any nutrients or energy released from foods. So, the energy used up in the stress response comes directly from your body’s reserves, the energy stored in your muscles, rather than coming from the foods you eat. This is known as the “fight or flight” response and it’s valuable in overcoming difficult or even dangerous situations.

There’s a flip side to this coin, however. The body has to “pay its dues” for getting such quick results because by the end of the stress response, the body has been significantly changed.

This response and its stress stages are supposed to last for only a short while, hopefully, for no more than the brief duration of the stressful situation itself.

Prolonged stress, however, can be disastrous. Automatically, a ing as if they were a different Meta-type, which can result in illness and disease. person will flip out of their natural metabolic type into another one, either “hyper” or “hypo” – and begin function, This is why it is crucial to restore balance.

Meta-types “Flip Out” Differently

Just as each of the six Meta-Types has its typical personality, characteristics and physical behaviors, so does each type have its typical ways of getting out of balance. Remember, each of the six Meta-Types have a dominant endocrine gland that “runs the show” in other words, that stimulates most of their energy.

 Each Meta-Type automatically has a natural affinity for the food groups that stimulate their strongest endocrine gland which gives them that “energy high”, such as salt which stimulates the Accelerator’s adrenal glands. If a person is tired, sick or under physical, emotional or mental stress, they begin overeating these foods to gain that energy high and so they become “comfort foods”.Their dominant endocrine gland becomes over-stimulated causing food sensitivity to those specific foods and possible allergic reactions but NOT giving the body what it nutritionally needs.

This individual is now in a hyperactive state and out of balance, so those foods are needed inn greater amounts. But the dominant gland can’t sustain that much stimulation without being given the right nutrients. So, its ability to operate begins to decline and becomes weak giving rise to “cravings” for those specific foods. In time, the endocrine gland’s inevitable collapse occurs and you’ll be in a hypo-active state.

When an individual slips significantly out of balance and type, I say that he or she “flips” out of their healthy and natural Meta-Type. We’re all familiar with this, when we say about our mate, boss or friend that, “They have really not been acting like themselves lately.”

I call this the “Pendulum Effect.” A continual response to stress can cause a person’s own metabolic profile to become hyperactive. If greatly exacerbated or prolonged, it can even cause them to soar right into a higher profile putting added pressure on their endocrine glands. For instance, a Mixed Accelerator–being hyperactive and under continual stress–can skyrocket right into the Balanced Accelerator profile, putting undue pressure on the thymus gland. Unable to sustain energy at that high level of stress, the Mixed Accelerator will begin swinging back–like a pendulum–passing right out of their natural type and falling down into the Mixed Synthesizer profile. Now, they’ve become hypo- active. They’ll continue on in this fashion until the stress abates, they become ill or they have learned how to control their stress.

When the Six Meta-Types “Flip Out” of Type

                                  The ACCELERATOR Categories


The Accelerators are high-powered, energetic Type A personalities and are the ‘movers and shakers’ of this world. They naturally have an already high metabolic rate and the stress response can cause their metabolic rate to speed even higher. If the stress response continues for extended periods of time, their bodies retain the nutrients that stimulate and excite their system, such as:vitamins A, B², B³ [niacin], B5 [pantothenic acid] and the minerals: potassium, zinc, manganese,  iron and magnesium), while losing the nutrients that calm and relax (such as: the amino acids tryptophan, glutamine, GABA and the mineral: calcium.

Their body loses its ability to calm itself. Their anxiety levels zoom to new heights stimulating addictive habit patterns, allergic reactions can sky-rocket, their blood pressure shoots up, their system eventually can’t sustain this pace and it starts breaking down.  Eventually, their energy producing dominate endocrine glands dominated by the sympathetic nervous system become thoroughly exhausted.

The Accelerator’s unbalanced metabolism “flips” them out of their own Meta-Type and into the Synthesizer category ending up in a ‘hypo-active’ state relying on their weaker glands (the pituitary, pancreas and sex glands) dominated by the parasympathetic nervous system for energy and sustenance. They become horribly lethargic, moody and isolated.

In a “hypo-active” state, their parasympathetic glandular system begins to weaken spiraling them on a downward spin including the beginnings of depression. They now require volumes of food that can be 30 percent larger than their normal food intake and now require it cooked, because they can’t break down and absorb nutrients. Their digestion slows to a halt.

Or if they remain “hyper-active” without flipping into the Synthesizer category, their anxiety levels double and triple, their insulin levels sky-rocket and they just can’t calm down. They find it extremely difficult to pull out of this state as their emotions become buried in a mire of anxiety. Heart attacks and strokes could be right around the corne

On and on go the Accelerators until they crash again, further being “flipped” into a deeper downward spiral. In this state, they’re really feeling NOT well and sick most of the time.  The last “somersault,” is the worst one of all when they finally flip into a state, where their bodies have become totally inefficient and can absorb only 10 to 15 percent what they eat. By now, the chronic and degenerative stages of disease have set in.

                        The SYNTHESIZER Categories


The Synthesizers are happy, calm, “nothing makes me angry”, Type B personalities. They are slow movers but powerful and possess a great deal of reserve energy. When stress becomes intensified in the Synthesizers, it’s action shuts down their slower physical metabolic rate because their less effective “metabolic boosting glands”, the thyroid and adrenal endocrine glands,Mare busy stimulating and sustaining their body’s response to stress. Their glucose production speeds up triggering their pancreas gland to produce high levels of insulin, immediately turning the glucose into fat rather than it being stored in the muscles as energy.

 The Synthesizers easily exhaust their sympathetic nervous system’s glands, (the adrenals, thyroid and thymus glands) being highly stimulated by the stress response as well as their own dominant endocrine gland in trying to keep up with the action generated by the stress. With their energy producing glands and their own dominant endocrine gland exhausted, they “flip” downward into deeper energetic levels of their strong parasympathetic nervous system.

 They now need the energy produced by other endocrine glands in their body which are dominant in the other Met-Types, i.e., the Synthesizer (the pituitary gland), Balanced Synthesizer (the pancreas gland), Mixed Synthesizer(sex glands) or Mixed Accelerator (the thyroid gland). With undue pressure put upon their body’sless effective endocrine glands (the pituitary, pancreas, sex glands) they begin to react to the energies of that less effective gland and start displaying the characteristics of that endocrine gland’s dominant Meta-Type.

For instance, the pure Synthesizer can “flip” right up into sympathetic nervous system dominant Accelerator Meta-Type even though their pituitary and adrenal glands are exhausted or down into the Balanced Synthesizer Meta-Type if undue pressure is put on their pancreas gland or even the Mixed Synthesizer if the energetic needs are placed on the sex glands.

When out of balance, the Synthesizers can become irritable, high-strung and have insomnia. They can even become an “emotional monster” to friends and family. Their usually “happy” emotions turn into negative “thunderstorms” or are repressed to the point where they become virtually paralyzed.

With the Synthesizers weakened sympathetic nervous system which can’t sustain the pressure, it begins to “crash”. Their blood sugar levels “yo-yo’,” finally soaring then plummeting to disastrous levels from insulin over-production, causing horrific fatigue and terrible weight gain.

Their weakened adrenals can’t sustain the challenge of the heightened stress response and they constantly go from high-to-low causing anxiety-to-depression. They finally “collapse,”plunging them into severe depressions. They eat out of emotional need and to get energy. Their weight gain skyrockets, irritability ensues and illness begins to raise its ugly head.

At this point, the Synthesizers are hardly getting any nutrients from their food.  They need greater quantities of food to absorb any nutrients at all and their weigh doubles and triples. Finally, there is no place else for their body to go.  Their health is in serious trouble and they need to make significant changes quickly.

If you’ve flipped out of type, there is no need to stay out of balance.

If you’ve answered the Meta-Type questionnaire on this website or in my book, Your Body, Your Diet and have found that you are almost evenly divided between two types, you are in the Pendulum Effect and you’ll be exhibiting habits of either the hyper or hypo profile as well as your own. This would be the Meta-Type just above or below your own natural profile. When you’ve answered the questionnaire, use the Meta-Type profile with the highest number of answers–even if it is only by 1 point. Then, follow that program. In 3 to 6 months, take the test again. You’ll find your answers will be different and you’ll be closer to your own natural Meta-type.

Click here to order reports and natural products that can help you to restore your balance by returning you back to your natural Meta-type so you can be your normal, happy, healthy self.

Click here to see information that will help you recognize your hyper- or hypo-active state, as well as your natural Meta-type.

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